Let Me Tell You About...

Nerdy Podcasts Done At A Rapid Pace

Episode Summary

Aleks and Tad talk about speedrunning and their opinions on AGDQ and its rapid expansion since its humble 2013 beginnings.

Episode Notes

Aleks and Tad talk about speedrunning and their opinions on AGDQ and its rapid expansion since its humble 2013 beginnings.

Talking Points: Mido skips, YSG, DIE HARD, Speedrunning a game so hard it turns into pong, 'White Race Werster', ceaseless knitting, tomba 2, ha ha evil pigs, Pokemon Red Flag Edition, Yoshis feet ha ha, female goodra, justinRPG, I watched a man die on stream at AGDQ and all I got was this cringe collection video, banjo cuckzooie, punchout, Summoningsalt, garshasp 2: gar-fasts

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