Let Me Tell You About...

Gettin' Mad at Cartoons

Episode Summary

Aleks and Tad talk about THUNDERCATS ROAR and the pros & cons of the 'CalArts' style of modern cartoons. Aleks gives Tad a quick rundown on OK KO! and Tad accidentally opens the door for Aleks to scream about Steven Universe for 40 minutes. Whoops.

Episode Notes

Aleks and Tad talk about THUNDERCATS ROAR and the pros & cons of the 'CalArts' style of modern cartoons. Aleks gives Tad a quick rundown on OK KO! and Tad accidentally opens the door for Aleks to scream about Steven Universe for 40 minutes. Whoops.

Talking Points: Who is Slade?, BIG MOODS, Teen Titans Go! more like Teen Titans Stay! (because its not that bad of a show), THICC LINES, the secret LMTYA webcomics, fighting dojos and gamestops, remember that adventure time episode where Finn was assaulted by the purple cloud?, thunderthots, stevens' steven, gohans homework

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