Let Me Tell You About...

QOTM February [BONUS]

Episode Summary

Love is in the air as we answer yet more Patreon Questions of the Month that are completely unrelated to the month of February or anything it entails!

Episode Notes

Talking Points: arab empires, datstream, jiggle billy, overwatch (again), roulette doritos, merch, JIREN THE STRONGEST, frog boyz contest 2018

Thanks a pentillion (5x 1 million) for all the entries! We'll do a larger event some time in the future but for now you can check all the entries in the imgur below.

Check out the website for links to our shows on iTunes and GooglePlay
► http://www.lmtya.com

Peep us on Twitter
► @LetMeTellYouPD

Official Discord
► https://discord.gg/SqyXJ9R

/////// Shill Corner ///////
► https://www.patreon.com/LMTYA

LMTYA shirts!
► https://represent.com/lmtya
/////// Shill Corner ///////

LMTYA Theme by
► https://www.huskyswonderfulmusicland.net/